Economics at UNC
Develop Deep Understanding
If you're passionate about solving society's most pressing problems, then consider studying Economics at UNC. We'll help you build the foundation you need to look at issues such as poverty, unemployment and inflation from a logical, analytical angle.
You'll use traditional and contemporary economic tools and concepts, as well as theories and quantitative analysis, to understand real-world problems.
In addition, the faculty and staff in the Department of Economics work with the outside community and provide services such as economic analysis, economic content training for teachers, and scholarly contributions to the external academic community.
Contact Us
Department of Economics
Candelaria Hall 1281
Phone: (970) 351-2707
Dawit Senbet
Professor and Chair
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Economics Concentrations
The concentrations within the Department of Economics allow students to align their undergraduate economics degree more closely with their career interests and/or graduate school aspirations. In addition to the traditional Bachelor of Arts degree in economics that they can still choose, UNC students can now earn a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with the following concentrations:
Business Economics
Work as a business economist or enroll in graduate business programs.
Environmental Economics
Pursue interests in environmental and sustainability issues.
International Economics
Bring your skills and expertise to the diplomatic service (typically as an economic attaché) or to multilateral economic organizations.
Liberal Arts
Focus on statistical analysis, market analysis, and critical thinking to forecast in business and institutional environments.'s much more than you think
Watch this video from the American Economic Association on why getting a degree in economics is useful to all individuals and can lead to many interesting career choices. Hear insights from four diverse individuals on how a background in economics provided them with tools for solving very human problems.
News and Annoucements

From the UNC Magazine
Fall/Winter 2018 Issue
Calm Water
Economics Professor Mark Eiswerth seeks solutions to complex - and sometimes contentious - environmental issues by considering human values and motives.
I try to teach [students] a little bit about how to facilitate a discussion among people with competing interests..."
Mark Eiswerth, Ph.D.