Meeting Information
The Classified Staff Council General meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month in the Campus Commons Room 2200. For the remainder of 2020 and 2021, the council will meet virtually using MS Teams, unless otherwise noted. The meetings are available on the UNC calendar, and are announced in the UNC Today daily newsletter.
The General Council meetings are open to the public, and any community member is welcome to attend and participate.
The meeting agendas for the upcoming General Council meeting are typically released the Friday before the meeting, and are included with the meeting minutes once they're posted.
CSC Meeting Minutes will be posted here. Parliamentary Procedure requires that all meeting minutes must be approved by the Council before they may be declared "official." As such, meeting minutes will be posted approximately one month behind our regular meeting schedule. For more immediate information regarding a recent council meeting, please feel free to contact any Council member.
The General Council must approve the meeting minutes before they are released to the public, so minutes for the previous meeting are not available until approved by a majority vote of the Council. Should you have any questions about a meeting before the minutes are available, please feel free to contact any Council member, or send an email to