26th Annual
Latina Youth Leadership Conference
The Latina Youth Leadership Conference (LYLC) is a daylong conference specifically designed for eighth grade students. Participants are accompanied by teachers and counselors from all Weld County School District 6 and surrounding area schools. The conference features, an inspirational keynote speaker, and transitions into four themed workshops as the day progresses. The workshops address leadership, self-esteem, education and cultural awareness. UNC student volunteers are assigned groups of 8th grade participants whom they will mentor throughout the day. This conference has served over 8,000 students to this day.
In the Spring of 1997, Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. as the only existing Latina Greek organization on campus and the César Chávez Cultural Center at the University of Northern Colorado joined hands to plan the first conference. The two original women heading the efforts were Vicki Leal-Larsen and Dr. Carmen Rivera. For the last 26 years, the Latina Youth Leadership Conference brings upward of 250 young women together to inspire them to attend college! Even though the conference is focused on 8th grade Latina students; all 8th grade students who are interested in coming are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The overall mission of LYLC is to culturally affirm the importance of education.
"Standing strong and leading with pride; Empowering youth to envision their future"
Event Details:
- Thursday, April 3rd, 9am - 2pm
- University Center
Get Involved
Lead, Inspire, Empower – Become an LYLC Mentor!
Lead and inspire 7 students at the 2025 LYLC Conference! Enjoy breakfast, engage in activities, and earn a Certificate of Participation—sign up today!
Group Mentor Application (18 age and older only)
Be the Heart of LYLC – Volunteer and Make a Difference
Support the sisters of Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. and the César Chávez Cultural Center. With roles from check-in to workshops, there’s a place for everyone. Join the team and make an impact!
Three objectives were created to uphold such purpose
To motivate young students to excel through high school with a powerful message about the choices that will facilitate accessibility to better resources.
To give middle school students the opportunity to visit the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) in hopes they will attend an institution of higher learning.
To give UNC students an opportunity to positively influence their community while enhancing their college experience.
About Lambda Theta Nu
UNC Multicultural Greek Organization Webpage
Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, is an organization that stands by three pillars: academic excellence, community service and sisterhood. As members of Lambda Theta Nu, we believe in promoting the advancement of Latinas through higher education. Fortunately, there has been an increase in the number of Latinas that are enrolled at a post-secondary institution like a college or university. The lack of Latinas attending a higher education institution inspired our founding sisters to host a conference where the opportunity of pursuing higher education is presented to a group of young Latinas.
We currently have 43 chapters nationwide – ranging from California to New York. We take pride in being the first Latina sorority to be established in Colorado and at UNC. With three main foci: Academics, Community Service, and Sisterhood, we strive to succeed in our academics, give back to the community, and represent our organization strong with our sisterhood! You may see Lambdas performing with machetes to symbolize strength and empowerment!
- Founded: March 11, 1986 at California State University, Chico
- Founded at UNC: April 19, 1997
- Colors: Burgundy, Silver, White
- Symbols: Silver Rose
- Philanthropy: Latina Youth Leadership Conference (LYLC) and Latino Literacy Grams
- Website:Lambda Theta Nu
- Chapter Instagram: @kaptivatingkappa_lambdas
Special Thanks to schools/organizations
For the purpose of context, the communication below has been maintained to provide context of years past and years to follow.
Dear School/Organizations Representative,
Thank you for your interest in the 26th Annual Latina Youth Leadership Conference. This conference is a collaborative effort between the Kappa Chapter of Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. and the César Chávez Cultural Center and Undocumented Student Services at the University of Northern Colorado. Since the first conference in 1997, the conference speakers and facilitators have impacted over 8,000+ young women. Our goal is to empower young women to make positive choices, plan for their future education, and inspire those who may be having difficulties with grades, truancy or lack of motivation in school.
This conference includes four interactive workshops that focus on the following: cultural awareness, positive self-image, leadership and education. In years past, the workshop focusing on cultural awareness will spotlight Latinx culture and Mexican American issues while also addressing other minoritized communities. The educational workshop has previously consisted of a panel featuring high school and college students, along with professionals from the higher education community; this provides attendees with the opportunity to ask questions they may have for the future. The last two workshops will focus on leadership and positive self-image.
In past years, we are asking that your school will appoint a school contact that will recruit students who will benefit from this conference. Feel free to bring students who you estimate need to be encouraged or inspired. The program representative would need to submit our online registration submission including participants’ names and payment information. This year participant registration fee is $10 per student from the Weld County Schools District. $13 for all other school district students. Due to limited resources and space, the conference is capped at 250 participants on a first-come-first-serve-registration basis.
The conference features prominent Latina guest speakers, educational breakout sessions, a continental breakfast, and lunch. For more information and registration procedures for the conference, please see links at the top of the webpage. We hope you find this conference a great investment in your students’ education. Feel free to ask any questions.
Thank you,
Latina Youth Leadership Conference Planning Committee
Leadership Team
Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc.
Kappa Chapter
Nevaeh Corral & Sarah Vicente
Latina Youth Leadership Conference Co-Director
César Chávez Cultural Center
Patricia Escobar
Associate Director
Vianney Olmedo-Soto
LYLC Support